- 幼兒於2022年12月31日前出生(幼兒年滿兩歲八個月)
- 各級插班生:
半日及全日低班(K2) : 4-5歲
半日及全日高班(K3) : 5-6歲
- 派發入學申請表格的數目不設上限
1. 索取入學申請表
- 家長可以於2024年7月開始親臨幼稚園索取或於網頁下載報名表格
2. 遞交報名表及入學申請資料
- 網上報名的家長需填妥網上報名申請表格的所有內容,並上載兒童的出生證明書副本、証件相及$40報名費的入數紙(取錄與否,怒不發還)。
(東亞銀行戶口名稱: CPC Green Pasture Kgn ; 戶口號碼(儲蓄戶口):015-267-68-00833-4 )。
*(如經由網上銀行繳付報名費者,銀行或會產生手續費,該手續費將由家長自行承擔。) - 防疫注射針卡副本請於新生面見日交回本園。
- 如兒童非本地出生必須上載兒童的居港許可證明副本 。
- 請家長將填妥的入學申請表,連同兒童的出生證明書副本、証件相、防疫注射針卡副本、$40報名費(取錄與否,恕不發還)及4個回郵信封(回郵信封上請寫上申請入學者的名稱、回郵地址及貼上足夠郵資的郵票) 交回幼稚園。
- 如兒童非本地出生必須出示兒童的居港許可證明副本及正本以便核對。
- 每年約11月起安排與申請下學年入學的兒童及家長進行面見,一位家長陪同參與。
- 面見以小組形式進行,老師從幼兒參與群體遊戲,觀察其反應和說話交談。(過程約15-20分鐘)
- 若因2019冠狀病毒病疫情影響,校方將會安排以網上互動形式(ZOOM)進行面見,老師從幼兒參與遊戲互動,觀察其反應和說話交談。(過程約10-15分鐘)
- 面見非華語兒童時,校方會為兒童作翻譯(普通話/英文)或接納家長和兒童由懂中文的親友陪同會面,協助溝通。
– 校方會以幼兒的面見表現及本園面見準則決定取錄與否
– 校方會優先取錄符合以下條件的幼兒
- 母親是本校員工
- 兄/姊是本校的畢業生
- 兄弟姊妹現就讀本校
- 與本校有相同的宗教信仰
– 若報讀K2、K3全日班插班留意,校方會同時優先取錄符合以下條件的幼兒:
- 現就讀本校K1的學生及K2全日班的學生
- 兄/姊正就讀本校的全日班
- 有特別需要的家庭(如:家長需要照顧殘疾人士、雙職家庭)
- *(請留意由於學位有限,並非所有符合優先考慮的全日班申請均會獲取錄。)
- 獲取錄的新生家長須在『統一註冊日期內(即2025年1月2日至4日(星期四至六)』到幼稚園辦理入學註冊手續。
- 入讀半日制的家長必須繳交「註冊費900元」及註冊證才確認註冊及取錄程序正式完成。(幼稚園會發『幼稚園入學註冊證收據』給家長。)
- 入讀全日制的家長必須繳交「註冊費1500元」及註冊證才確認註冊及取錄程序正式完成。(幼稚園會發『幼稚園入學註冊證收據』給家長。)
- 家長一經繳交註冊費,便確認接受學位,如其後家長轉校,幼稚園一概不會退還已繳付的「註冊費」。
- 每年5-7月繳交訂購書簿雜項、書包及校服等費用。
- 家長已繳交的註冊費將會於該年度約九月份以支票形式退還。
- 全日班的首月學費會於家長已繳交的註冊費中扣除。
- 『統一註冊日期』後如仍有學位,校方將個別通知備取生後補註冊。
- 全年學費分11期繳交;
- 全年分兩期繳交書簿雜項費用;
- 每年的學費及膳費(全日班適用),學校會按發展所需及生活指數向教育局申請調整,經教育局審批後,約於8月公布新學年的學費及膳費;
- 按教育局第106/2024號通函,獲提供學位並已繳付註冊費的學生,如其後轉校,幼稚園將不會退還已繳付的款項。
- 本幼稚園均會有適應活動,如:「新生適應週」,讓家長開學初期陪同幼兒上課,使幼兒做好入學的準備。同時會舉行「新生家長會」
- 內容:介紹老師及課程;
- 家長須提早於2024年9月至11月開始申請「2025/26幼稚園入學註冊證」,如家長欲參考申請「註冊證」的一般資料及收生安排,可瀏覽教育局的網頁(http://www.edb.gov.hk/k1-admission_tc)。
- 幼稚園概覽已臚列本校的資料: 金巴崙長老會青草地幼稚園(幼稚園及幼稚園暨幼兒中心概覽 2022/23 學年)
- 本地家長及非華語家長如對入學申請有任何疑問,歡迎電郵(cpcgpkg@cumberland.org.hk)或致電21090188與張主任或馬小姐聯絡。
- Enrollment for the 2025-2026 School Year – K1, K2 and K3
- K1 – Children were born before 31 December 2022, aged 2 years and 8 months or above.
- K2 half day & whole day class – Children aged 4–5
- K3 half day & whole day class – Children aged 5–6
- There is no limit on distribution of application forms.
- To obtain an application form
- By making an online application on the school website starting from July 2024, or by coming to our school in person to obtain an application form.
- To submit an application form and application information
Online application
- Please complete the online application form and upload the following documents:
- Photo of the applicant
- Copy of the applicant’s birth certificate
- Copy of bank receipt of application fee $40(non-refundable)
(The Bank of East Asia Bank Account name: CPC Green Pasture Kindergarten ;
Account No.(Saving Account): 015-267-68-00833-4) - *(If parents pay the application fee online through their own banks, some banks may require the service charge. In this case, parents will be responsible for the service charge.)
- Please submit the copy of the child’s immunization record to our school on the interview day.
- Copy of permit to live in Hong Kong (for the applicant not born in Hong Kong)
Applying at school in person
- The following documents and fee need to be provided when submitting the completed application form:
- One passport size photo of the applicant
- A copy of the applicant’s birth certificate
- A copy of the applicant’s immunisation record
- Four white long size self-addressed envelopes with stamps
- Application fee $40(non-refundable)
- A copy and original of permit to live in Hong Kong (for the applicant not born in Hong Kong)
Enrollment System
- Interview and Procedure
On receipt of the application,
- an interview for the applicant will be made from November 2024. One parent will attend the interview with his/her child;
- a group of children will be interviewed at a time. Our teachers will observe the children’s responses and their communication skills in the play time (approximate 15-20 minutes).
- Due to the impact of covid-19, the interview will be conducted by online zoom. Teacher observe children’s responses and their communication skills in the play time. (approximate 15-20 minutes).
- When interviewing non-Chinese speaking students, English or Putonghua translation will be provided for them. Students and parents may also invite a person who can speak Chinese to attend the interview together if needed.
- Admission Criteria
- The admission criteria are based on the interview criteria and applicant’s performance during the interview.
- Student placing will be given priority to applicants whose:
- mothers are currently a staff within our school.
- siblings are graduates of our school.
- siblings are existing students of our school.
- religious beliefs are same as our school.
- For applicants applying for K2 & K3 whole day classes, places will be given priority to:
- our current K1 students and current K2 students studying in the whole day class.
- the applicants whose siblings are studying in the whole day classes.
- the family in need (such as parents looking after a disabled family member at home, both working parents)
- *(Please note that not every applicant who is under the priority group will be guaranteed to obtain a chance to study in whole day class because of the limited placements.)
Application result announcement and arrangement
- The application result will be sent to parents by email or by post before 13 December 2024.
- Registration Arrangement
- Parents of successful applicants register their children on Central Registration Days from 2 January to 4 January 2024 (Thursday to Saturday) in our school.
- For students in half day classes, parents have to submit the original of ‘Registration Certificate for Kindergarten Admission’ and registration fee $900 for registration. ‘The Receipt of Registration Certificate’ from our school will be given to parents for record.
- For students in whole day classes, parents have to submit the original of ‘Registration Certificate for Kindergarten Admission’ and registration fee $1500 for registration. ‘The Receipt of Registration Certificate’ from our school will be given to parents for record.
- If parents would like to transfer your child to another school after completing the registration, the registration fee will not be refunded.
- Purchase of books, miscellaneous items, a school bag and school uniform will be made by May-July each year.
- For students in half day classes, the registration fee will be returned to parents in September by a cheque.
- For students in whole day classes, the registration fee will be deducted from the first installment of school fee.
- We will inform the applicant who is on waiting list for registration if there is an opening after the ‘Central Registration Days’.
- Fee
- School fees are paid in 11 installments annually.
- There are two payments for purchase of books and miscellaneous items annually.
- Regarding the school fee and lunch fee for students in whole day classes, we will apply to the Education Bureau for fee adjustment based on the need of school development and living index. The actual fee will be announced by August.
- If parents would like to transfer your child to another school after completing the registration, the registration fee paid will be non-refundable according to the notice 106/2024 from the Education Bureau.
New Student Adaption
- We will provide activities for new students to adapt the new environment, such as: ‘New Student Adaption Week’. Each K1 student can be accompanied by one parent or one guardian in the class at the beginning of first term. It will allow them to get ready to school.
- A parent orientation will be made at school. The content includes: Teachers introduction, arrangement of new students’ adaption, and answering parents’ questions.
- Parents have to apply to the Education Bureau for the ‘2025/26 Registration Certificate for Kindergarten Admission’ from September to November 2024. The information of applying the certificate and admission arrangements can be obtained on the Education Bureau website
(http://www.edb.gov.hk/k1-admission_e). - Our school’s detailed information can be found in “Profile of Kindergartens and Kindergarten-cum-Child Care Centres“.
- For any enquiries about enrolment, please contact the senior teacher Ms Cheung or the school staff Ms Ma at 2109 0188 or by email (cpcgpkg@cumberland.org.hk).