March Activities

Date: 8 March 2025

<Everyone starts from the Family of Origin Parent talk>

Objective : Explore how the influence of the family of origin on parents’ growth and their parenting, reducing the influence of the family of origin on parenting and the next generation.

Speaker: Ms To Oi Ting, Gloria(Social worker)


February Activities

Date : 24.2.2024

Workshop on “Understanding Child Development and Experiencing Six Bricks”

    Our school social worker Miss Samantha is going to organize a parent activity on ‘Understanding Child Development and Six Bricks Workshop’. The workshop will first cover the six major areas of
children’s development and classic psychological theories, so that parents can first understand the developmental needs of children. Hence, parents will play with Six Bricks* to understand how this tool
is able to enhance the growth and developmental needs of children in different areas.

January Activities

Date : 22.2.2024

Children Oral Health Semina

   The school cordially invites the dentists from the project team to conduct a seminar focusing on the topic
of ‘Children Oral Health’. The seminar amins to educate parents about common oral diseases among
preschoolers and provide them with oral care methods. Parents will have the opportunity to learn how to teach
their children proper toothbrushing skills and improve their dietary habits.